Monday, September 12, 2011


On Saturday I went on a kayaking adventure. We went to Lake Placid on the Barron River and paddled around. There's some small rapids there and we got to swim down them. That was pretty fun. Also, the river was much warmer than I expected, it was actually pleasant to swim in. While we were kayaking we saw four turtles "sunbaking" on a log. Sunbaking is the Australian term for sunbathing and I think it is far more descriptive. There were many ducks on the lake and some other water fowl. Apparently there are sometimes snakes resting on the branches of the trees that go over the water and if you're paddling near them they freak out and drop into the water. Unfortunately I did not get to witness this event. Though speaking of snakes, I have been seeing more snakes while running lately. You should all be pleased to here that I have so far avoided being bitten by any, probably a good idea since the snakes around here are highly venomous and include the Coastal Taipan (the 3rd most venomous snake in the world and close relative of the most venomous snake, the Inland Taipan) and the Death Adder. I also learned that there are paralysis ticks here. So far I've avoided them but I need to remember to keep checking because they sometimes go unnoticed until you become paralyzed, which is something I intend to avoid.

Yesterday my friends and I had yet another barbie, a wonderful idea considering it's one of the only times I eat meat here since I don't have a good way to cook it besides that. I have decided that I really like that many public areas here have public barbecues which are very simple to use. While we were waiting for the bus to head back to the Lodge we played frisbee and attempted handstands. I learned some new frisbee throws since the only one I knew how to do I'm awful at. I discovered that I'm actually remarkably better when I throw the frisbee side-arm under my leg. Of course, remarkably better in this case is still fairly awful...but I intend to imrove!

In other news, my PLU friends have gone back to school and my brother is coming to visit me. PLU just had the first week of classes for the fall term. It's pretty strange to realize that I am halfway through the semester while most of my friends back home are just starting a new semester. I found out on Friday that my brother is going to be here one week from tomorrow. I am super excited as I love hanging out with my brother and I will now be somewhat less alone for my spring break. Most of my ideas for what to do over the break fell through because nearly all of my friends have a field trip for one of their classes that goes for most of the break. Anyways, it should be fun to have him here and I wish all of my friends back home good luck with all of their classes this semester!

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